lundi 26 mars 2012

Les anniversaires du mois de Mars

Louen a fêté ses 5 ans.

Kenneth a soufflé 5 bougies.

Gabriel a fêté ses 6 ans.

Julius a soufflé 5 bougies.


Journée internationale de la francophonie

 Le 20 mars, nous avons fêté la francophonie à l'EFID. A cette occasion, nous avons mangé des croissants au goûter. Délicieux!

lundi 5 mars 2012

The Mixed-Up Chameleon

The MS-GS students are very excited about sharing with you the last book they created!!!
To read the story, see the marvelous illustrations and even listen to the story, go to the following link:
Wait a few seconds for the book to load, and then just click on the cover/page numbers to read the book.
Don't forget to click on the little arrow icon to hear the sound.

About the project:
- We read the story, "The mixed-up Chameleon", from Eric Carle.
- We thought about other animals the chameleon could have met at the zoo.
- We thought about what the chameleon would have wished to get from each animal and wrote a new story.
- We drew the illustrations.
- Our teacher used a software to create the mixed-up chameleon.
- We read the story out loud while the teacher was recording us.
- Our teacher used a software called "Didapage" to create our book with the text, pictures and sound.


L'anniversaire de Sahir